Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stop the Cravings!

It's the middle of the afternoon. It's not quite dinner time, but it's past lunch. You begin to feel hungry but you don't know what to eat. Then, you end up going for the chips or the chocolate (I know I do!). Once you're done, you feel full... and guilty. Next time, why not grab some of these healthy munchies?

  1. "Baked" Apples: Simply cut up an apple and place in a bowl. Add some water and microwave for about 1- 1 1/2 minutes. Drain and sprinkle on some cinnamon!
  2. Yogurt Drops: Spoon small drops of yogurt (Any flavor) onto a plate. Freeze for 45 minutes - 1 hour. After that, take them off the plate and eat!
  3. "Baked" Potato Chips: Yes, but not in the oven. In the microwave! I found it here and love it! It's simply thinly cut potato drizzled olive oil and pepper. Then put in the microwave for 1-2 minutes, flip, microwave for 35 seconds- 1 minute and you're done! Crispy goodness without preservatives and loads of fat.
Snack Healthy! XOXO

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