Currently, I'm reading
Overdressed by Elizabeth L. Cline. In this book she discusses America's increasing demand for what is called "fast fashion" or the increasing demand of cheap clothes at cheap prices. Americans buy millions of items of clothing of cheap quality only to throw them out just a few wears later. Cline brings up the issue of textile waste and all the effects of this "fast fashion". How else can that $5 dress from Target or Forever 21 be made with high quality and cheap prices? The fact is, it can't. That dress is made from cheap fabric made of plastic (polyester and imitation cotton which pollutes the environment) and is made in sweatshop-like factories which pay less than or equal to minimum wage. The fact is, buying a ton of clothing as the weekly trends come out (Ever seen a YouTube Haul?) is not beneficial to you, the environment, or the fashion industry. How to combat this ever growing issue? Buy clothing that will last and won't grow out of style. Here are the wardrobe basics you
must keep in your wardrobe;
- A good pair of jeans in a medium to dark wash
- A neutral* blazer
- A scoop neck t-shirt or long sleeved shirt in a neutral* color
- A pair of black non-denim pants
- A LBD (Little Black Dress)
- Black or Brown Boots
- A pencil skirt
When the newest trend comes along (Think lace, tie-dye, acid-wash, etc), feel free to buy a few pieces, but don't overload and buy 6 lace trim t-shirts just because everyone else is wearing them. Remember, accessories are your friend! Update your look without "haul"-ing.
Don't "Overdress"! XOXO
~ FashionistaGirl
*In this sense, I'm saying colors that match with many colors. This includes the regular neutrals (Black, White, Beige, etc.), but also light nude pinks, pale blue, pastels, use your judgement.
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